Christina Pushaw Resigns to Join DeSantis Campaign

by Laurel Duggan

Christina Pushaw stepped down from her role as press secretary for Republican Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis to serve on his re-election campaign, she told the Daily Caller News Foundation.

Election laws restrict the ability of individuals to endorse political candidates or parties and make certain election-related statements in their capacity as government employees; now that Pushaw works for DeSantis’ campaign and not the Florida government, she is free from those restrictions. She appeared to warn her opponents about the next phase of her career in a Friday tweet.

“Now, the gloves are off,” she wrote in response to a tweet about her resignation.

During her tenure as press secretary, Pushaw has drawn national attention for her active and sometimes aggressive approach to the role, sometimes sparring with reporters on Twitter and sharing screenshots of emails from journalists.

Pushaw’s next role will be director of rapid response on DeSantis’ gubernatorial re-election campaign, she told the DCNF.

She listed out some of the DeSantis administration’s accomplishments in her resignation letter, such as fighting against COVID-19 vaccine mandates, keeping schools open and a record-high budget surplus in 2021.

“As the Governor said earlier this year, ‘Together, we have made Florida the freest state in these United States.’ The chance to play even a small part in achieving this has truly been the opportunity of a lifetime,” she wrote.

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Laurel Duggan is a reporter at Daily Caller News Foundation.
Photo “Ron DeSantis” by U.S. Secretary of Defense. CC BY 2.0. Photo “Christina Pushaw” by Christina Pushaw. Background Photo “Florida State Capitol” by DXR. CC BY-SA 4.0.





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